Thursday, October 29, 2009


Those Evil Insurers

I'm not going to get the wording exactly right, but at the bottom of the hour the AM news break featured a reporter saying something like this:

A new study shows that women in Tennessee are having a hard time getting insurance because...they're women. The study put out by Blah Blah Blah found that women in the 25-xx age bracket who don't smoke, pay higher health insurance premiums than men in the same age bracket who do smoke. The higher premiums mean that many women simply go without health insurance.

The study also found that men are affected too. In the 55 and older age bracket, men pay higher health insurance premiums than women with the same medical history.

Did you like the part I put in bold as much as I did? Both men and women are charged discriminatory insurance premiums because of their sex. Incredible!

Either that, or there's some reason that women in their late 20s tend to have higher medical bills than men of the same age. I can't think of any biological difference though that could explain this discrepancy. And as for the men, I'm puzzled too. It's not like they die earlier than women.

tongue and cheek as always. checking your blog is one of the highlights of my day. sigh...back to my econ paper where i have to explain how the market "fails"....lousy statist curriculum. =)
Bob, I've been hearing this crap a lot lately on the news and from congress. They are trying to paint this as sexism. Of course they usually leave out the part about men at a later age being discriminated against.

I personally fall into the group they are describing, and I don't even remember the last doctors visit I had. On the other hand my wife has visits several times a year, plus giving birth. Hmm, not sure why insurance would consider us different risk.
1. Getting a job as a newscaster seems to correlate very highly with an extreme inability to conceptualize ideas.

2. Why we will never win: The almost universal belief that market discrimination must be quashed. At the same time, statist discrimination is just fine (keeping out foreigners, keeping foreigners from getting emergency medical care, whacking foreigners with drone missiles etc....)
But, but, but... discrimination is just WRONG!!!
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