Saturday, October 31, 2009


More Stimulus Arithmetic

In preparation for an op ed, I spent a half hour Saturday morning playing with the interactive map at the most transparent administration in history's website. As of Halloween, here are some of the regional breakdowns in terms of stimulus money awarded, received, and jobs saved (according to the recipients). Of course these figures of jobs saved are themselves bogus, but even on their own terms:


If you use trusty division, you find that the District of Columbia has "created or saved" jobs at a cost of $1.2 million per job (using the Awarded figure) or $92k using the Received figure.

Idaho takes the cake (at least of the states I checked) on the Received end, where each job created or saved cost $117k of stimulus awards actually received.

According to some, what you're doing is "calculator abuse", Bob.
Some public-choice economics of data reporting: Best to report as many jobds saved -- or created -- as you plausibly can. That's the way to get the money!
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