Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Alan King Not Familiar With the Pronunciation of "Mises"

Stephan Kinsella passes along this incredibly unexpected video. In the midst of a pretty funny clip, Alan King reads from the obituary of Ludwig von Mises (around 3:00).

Of course, King is committing a basic fallacy in trying to prove that women live longer than men, but I think he probably knows this.

I should have said hat tip to Moin Yahya.
My father is a civil engineer, and apparently they use (Richard) von Mises stress equations a lot.

Anyway, I was talking about Ludwig, and I say von Mises (rhymes with Jesus), and he stops me and says, "isn't it von MiseR?" Naturally, I was all like, "lol wut" and he kept going, "that's how I was taught in school (in England). We just had a meeting at work the other day where we were discussing this and it looks like everyone has their own pronunciation."

So I guess that's my story.
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I only figured it out sometime in the last year myself.

We all mispronounce words we`ve never actually heard someone else say.
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