Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Worst Job in the World: White House Press Secretary
This is hilarious. I heard this on the radio and had to share it. I only could stand the first 80 seconds or so, but make sure you listen for the male reporter who jumps in. Seriously, I understand why politicians lie--it's good to be the king. But what's in it for the press secretary? Wouldn't you break out in boils or something from this job?
Wow. I guess I haven't been following press secretary conferences, but ... wow. This just seems like it's the toughest the press has ever been at one of these. I mean, they were seriously "take no prisoner" there. None of this, "Oh, watch me show off." They looked really angry at Gibbs.
I think you missed some good quotes.
According to our dear press secretary, cutting banks out of student loan lending and medical providers out of medicare is a budget reducing item.
So, if these companies are simply negative sum producers doing nothing but being middle men, what companies AREN'T simply this government's middle men? Their private employees currently servicing customer do NOTHING of value, eliminating them is ONLY a positive?
We're all way past socialists now.
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According to our dear press secretary, cutting banks out of student loan lending and medical providers out of medicare is a budget reducing item.
So, if these companies are simply negative sum producers doing nothing but being middle men, what companies AREN'T simply this government's middle men? Their private employees currently servicing customer do NOTHING of value, eliminating them is ONLY a positive?
We're all way past socialists now.
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