Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Two Blog Posts From the Institute for Energy Research

* This post shows that the Obama budget's estimate of $646 billion from cap and trade revenues was way below the real belief. According to the deputy director of the National Economic Council, the White House is expecting more like $1.3 to $1.9 trillion. I'm sure it was just an oversight that those numbers didn't make it into the original release.

* In this post the writers (mostly me) explain Smoot-Hawley and the return to protectionism today under the guise of stopping carbon "leakage." So on top of all the other garbage going on, we will probably have a trade war too.

Has the cargo cult thinking shifted from trying to recreate the economic conditions of the bubble-top years 2004-2007 to recreating the economic conditions prior to the bubble-top years. Does this mean they are starting to think what they are doing is not working and will not work?

Without much support for waiting for the bailouts and stimulus money to work its way through the system, another thing to watch for is provided to the impatient American public.

Ohh look… da plane. No, wait it’s a two ton heavy thing falling this way. No, it’s a plane! Gimmie those coconut headphones we’ll radio them in.

“…The idea is that the U.S. government would slap a huge “compensatory” tax on imports that were produced in foreign nations that do not impose carbon legislation on their manufacturers.”
Or those nations who wish to reap income from importing carbon tax credits while not taxing their own?
From reading foreign newspapers I got the impression they were expecting to make a lot of money from carbon credit inputs from other industrial nations. Was this to be the new outsourcing?
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