Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Obama Will Be Re-Elected

I happened to be in the car for a long stretch this evening and caught most of President Obama's press conference. As Beavis would tell him, "Heh heh damn you're smooth."

I think he will easily be re-elected. Yes, the economy will be in the tank, but if he can casually and persuasively explain his programs are the way to counteract leveraged debt financing, speculation, inflated house prices, and out of control government deficits, then he will be able to convince voters he is part of the solution in 2012.

Remember kids, FDR won four elections. And things weren't exactly rosy on his watch.

I think part of it depends on how well the economy does in the near term. If it does well for a bit, before the inflation etc. hits then it will be hard to put all the badness off on Bush. In that case, it matters not how smooth he is.
I don't agree that his re-election is a fait accompli. What matters more than anything is who runs against him and what they have to say. Not only the Republican candidate and platform....a strong third-party candidate could easily alter the outcome. If the Republicans run a candidate and message like they did last time, of course, they will have no chance.
everyone is assuming he'll run again. because of the lack of seriousness with which he is doing the job, i'm beginning to wonder if he's only in this for the money. it's like he really believes that he's a "rock star," as so many in the msm have put it. he'll still be relatively young after one term, and he'll have hundreds of millions of dollars just waiting to be scooped up by a young ex-president.
I think you are right. While many of the things he said were extremely frustrating to me, I couldn't help but notice how incredibly charismatic he is.
It does matter how smooth Mr. Obama is. The Democrats have a fine line in those guys made the problem. It isn't as if the newspapers (much less the TV-heads) have enough critical thinking ability to debunk the idea.

Much depends on who the Republicans nominate but considering that is seems that the TV and newspaper chose the last Republican Presidential nominee, I'm not putting much hope in the Republicans.

Of course it is possible that Luke Skywalker is out there.
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