Wednesday, March 25, 2009


EU President: US Spending Is the "Way to Hell"

That's the actual headline of this CNBC story. I think if European leaders* are telling your government it's spending too much, people should sit up and take notice.

* And I realize Czechoslovakia has an interesting political landscape...

Umm - they have been the Czech Republic for quite a few years ago. Slovakia peacefully succeeded in 1993.
Note sure Slovakia succeeded, but it did secede;)
I still goof up and say Czechoslovakia as well. It's how we were taught in school, after all.

Still, what a great post this must be, given that all the comments have been ridicules of Czechoslovakia or the spelling of secession's past tense verb form.
A 3-minute speech by a British politician in the European Parliament has gone viral: over 300,000 hits in just 48 hours. Daniel Hannan nails Gordon Brown. Hannan's blog entry is full of people clamouring for him to go to the US and say the same to Saint Obama. Inspirational. And he's almost as good as speaker as you, Bob!
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