Monday, February 16, 2009


I Need a Stage Name

This is getting ridiculous. Besides the golf announcer, a million athletes, and a Boston College economics professor, there are just too many of us Bob Murphys walking around. I came across this blog post and was getting really upset when it said:
Perhaps, argues Bob Murphy, Greenspan was motivated by his Objectivist beliefs to act like the perfect unrestrained Keynesian in order to show us that Keynesianism does not work. He was deliberately trying to break the system instead of thinking, as his admirers did during his tenure, that he was trying to find the winning combination that would result in unending prosperity.
I was thinking, "What in the HECK did I write, that led this blogger to so completely misunderstand my position?!"

But then I followed his link, and it was to, um, some guy named Robert Murphy who did indeed advance that theory about Greenspan.

Glad I did 2 minutes of due diligence before leaving a sarcastic comment!

I think it is clear that I need a stage name. "Vanilla Ice" is taken, so I don't know that we should even strive for coolness at this point, and instead we should settle for clarity.

We live in a Web 2.0 era. Clarity is out, and missing vowels are in. Er, out.

Business Cycle Bob?

(unfortunately there's already a Bible Bob)
Deserting coolness for clarity? O tempora, o mores...
I hate to break it to you, but people completely misrepresent my positions all the time, even though there's only one Silas Barta. Ironically, the worst offender is named Bob Murphy!


Don't tell me you didn't see that coming...
How about R.P Murphy? Remember Hayek didn't win his Nobel Prize until he switched to F.A. Hayek.

If you want to junk the Nobel, now that Krugman has one, and instead give the impression your doing LSD daily, sign all your articles, "This has been the Main Murph speaking."
Sideshow Bob Murphy.

Sorry, I am huge fan of The Simpsons
The Blackadder Says:

Bleeding Gums Murphy?
Bobby-M in da house yo!
How about BOMU....from BOb MUrphy (a la MIke SHedlock)?

OK, I wasn't really serious.....
1. Bob "I'm not only the hair club president; I'm also a client" Murphy.

2. Robo-Murphy
Roberta Murphy---

Go for the sex change and all.
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