Thursday, January 29, 2009


"Pattern Is Playing Out Again"

So argue fellow PRI author Jason Clemens and I. (Incidentally, he was just the president-elect when we wrote the piece. I understand that he has been sworn in.)

UPDATE: Hey kids, can you spot the mistake in the article? (And no, I don't mean a mistake in our analysis.)

Nice work, Roger!
Who Framed Roger???
2nd to last paragraph..."produce and outcome better"
The Blackadder Says:

Given that there are at least three economists named Robert Murphy running around, how do we know that this is really by you, and not some other guy, Roger Murphy, who kind of sounds like you?
I know Rodger Murphy and he is a much better economist than you are.

His error ratio is only .00011.

And he doesn't require novacaine when he goes to the dentist.
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