Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tim Swanson Hearts China
Here's a neat article from Free Advice reader (and hot-tip-giver*) Tim Swanson, who just moved to China. He explains why he thinks the construction boom in China is the real deal. Plus, some cool photos, such as:

* Please excuse the liberal use of hyphens, but I was afraid that "hot tip-giver" would imply he was one who (a) gave tips and (b) was hot.

* Please excuse the liberal use of hyphens, but I was afraid that "hot tip-giver" would imply he was one who (a) gave tips and (b) was hot.
what I don't get is why the shipping and iron ore stocks keep going down if they are doing all this building. china stocks in general are as bad as american stocks yet they don't appear to be going through the same level of recession we are
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