Friday, October 31, 2008


Lew Rockwell Interview With Naomi Wolf

I am not exaggerating, this is quite possibly the best interview I have ever heard in my life. (Just click on the link and then play it from within your browser.) During the show itself, Naomi Wolf comes to see why libertarians are so opposed to the IRS and the Department of Education. She (at least twice) says, "Oh my God, you are so right." Hint: it's not because we hate poor people.

Too long to listen, wish there were a transcript.

It is worth giving it a go. Start listening. Then, when it is over you won't believe it took that long. Really. I don't think a transcript would properly reflect the light bulb moments she expressed.

And I'm fundamentally skeptical of Naomi Wolfe.

Jim O'Connor
Jim, give me some credit here. I did in fact give it a go, and did think it took too long before it even finished.

Well, off to Don Juaning...
An excellent interview and quite surprising. Lew ended up doing a lot of the talking, mainly because Naomi kept asking him questions. Hopefully we can look forward to more interviews in the future. Hopefully some common ground between Wolf's concerns about incipient fascism in modern political trends, and libertarians' similar concerns can be found.
This struck me as really ground breaking. I was stunned by how much agreement there was between Lew and Naomi (to the point where the interview was starting to sound like a big 'love in'!). There are differences in terms of methods, but broadly, desired outcomes and principles are shared. This could be the start of something.
I'm glad others thought was as great as I did. I don't know how much of it is just show, but Wolf was surprisingly modest ("we just don't understand the Fed"), but I also liked how she was a stickler for accuracy. E.g. when Rockwell said the gov't took out logic courses to dumb down the people, she basically asked him for a cite.

On reflection, the good stuff was towards the middle-to-end. I still think it was worth the time, but I was able to do some light work while evaluating. i guess YMMV.

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