Thursday, October 30, 2008


Don't Vote! A "Parody" That Just Proves the Point

So Bryan Caplan was on a 20/20 spot on why too many ignorant people are voting. For whatever reason, the piece came off as a hit job on young people. (First clip below.) In response, some pro-voting group made a parody, that showed why older people shouldn't vote (second clip below). But far from refuting Stossel, it just proved the point! There are plenty of ignorant young people and old people, none of whom should be voting. To repeat the old joke: I'm opposed to women getting the vote...but I think they should take it away from men too.

Incidentally, check out the "responses" that the pro-voting guys use in the original interview. Hard to argue with that!

Bob, what's your point?

The real problem isn't that people vote, but that the power to vote blinds people as to how they are manipulated by politicians and special interests.

The gaming of the system by the two major parties, including (1) the winner-take-all electoral vote policies that effectively stifle the rise of any third party and (ii) gerrymandering of electoral districts, are key elements of this system. Both serve to foster the growth of goverment and catering to those who desire either pork or to hamstring competitors.
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